Diapers Never Lie Scene 27


Daddy lowered his voice to a stern whisper, grabbed my chin firmly with his hand, and pulled my eyes up to meet his.

“The woman is going to ask you a lot of questions,” he said. “If you don’t tell her how happy you and show her that you are potty-trained, she’s going to take you away and lock you up and you’ll never ever get out again.”

I nodded mutely.

“Now, you’re going to need to be wearing panties today when the lady comes later today, and you better dare not have an accident while she is here.”

I wasn’t sure how I was going to avoid that, given how the past few days – and for that matter, my entire life – have gone.

“You’re going to wear panties for the rest of the day,” mommy continued. “But you’re going to be sitting on the potty every fifteen minutes and you’re not getting anything to drink until she leaves. Is that clear?”

I nodded again. Just being told I wasn’t going to be allowed anything to drink was beginning to make my mouth feel dry. I followed mommy back to my bedroom so that I could change into panties.

“Of course,” mommy muttered when she noticed the state of my pull-ups.

She made me lay on the bed as she removed the wet pull-up and wiped me clean. Instead of letting me put on the panties myself, mommy pulled them on like she would do while dressing me in a pull-up. Mommy carried off the potty-chair into the garage. I was confused at first, since if I was going to be spending most of the day on the toilet, wouldn’t they want me to be using that. Then I realized that they wouldn’t want the government lady to see that I still needed a potty-training chair.